In the Most Simplest Language, Sexually transmitted infections, also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases, ARE essentially PREVENTABLE. There are helpful guidelines that are publically available for the general community, including patients, to review proper steps...
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The Golden Years and The Challenges that Come
Mothers and Fathers are precious as they, through our Creator, give us life. When you really think about it, because of our appreciation for their contribution to our existence, there is nothing that we wouldn't do for our parents or elderly relatives. As mothers and...
The Real Truth About Fine Needle Aspiration
IT ONLY TAKES A FEW CELLS TO DIAGNOSE CANCER, CLICK HERE As the article in reference has indicated, we have come a long way in accurately assessing and diagnosing cancer at the cellular level. In fact, most criteria for diagnosing cancer, require astute evaluation...
The Real Truth About the Human Defense System
The Human Defense System is one of the most challenged systems of all the organ systems. It essentially requires a collaborative surveillance of many types of organs from skin to the organs which make up the overall reticulo-endothelial system (which includes...
The Real Truth about Telemedicine
Wow, its been about Fourteen (14) Years since I, as a solo practitioner in Wyoming, first addressed how Telemedicine can work for modern medical care. Now, telemedicine is mainstream medical care where patients can truly take charge of their health, as demonstrated...
Practicality and Efficency in Clinical Medicine
Often times, patients are subjected to inappropriate clinical laboratory testing. But the real purpose of clinical laboratory testing is to CONFIRM a clinical impression, and laboratory testing should not be the sole basis of FORMING a clinical impression. Thus,...
An Investment Idea-MDC Atlanta; Going Into The Molecular Structure of Cell to Diagnose Disease
Nantechnology is rapidly becoming popular as the new trend in medical diagnosis and treatment. Why? Because, it essentially allows one to literally make diagnosis and even initiate targeted treatment sooner than by way of traditional forms of medical care. LET'S...
Transparency through Video Assures Accuracy of Your Biopsy
Simple Communication Yields Fast Accurate Diagnosis